FT has an article on how multinationals turn to generative AI to manage supply chains.

In the article the cooperation between Maersk and Altana around trade compliance is mentioned; ”Altana, whose customers include Danish shipping group Maersk as well as the US border authorities, has scoured customs declarations, shipping documents and other data to build a map connecting 500mn companies globally. Customers can use its AI-enabled platform to trace products back to suppliers in Xinjiang…or track if their own products are being used in Russian weapons systems.”

Evan Smith, CEO of Altana: “Just to build the map, you’re talking about billions of data points in different languages. The only way you can work through all that raw data is with AI.”

You can read the article here: FT


The McKinsey TechTrends reports are always an interesting read. Here is the TechTrends 2023 report covering how these energing technologies may impact your industry.

You can find the report here: https://mck.co/3qAPNQO

Next week I particioate invthe UPU Consultative Committee Webinar Series, ’How freight and transport can boost e-Commerce delivery’.

With the burgeoning growth of eCommerce, the significance of seamless and efficient delivery systems has never been greater. How can collaboration between Posts and private industry players help unlock new opportunities and strengthen the postal sector in the new era?

Tune in next Tuesday to deep dive into the benefits of cross-sector partnerships.