Innovation and cooperation for a sustainable future

Earlier this year Swedish Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Mikael Damberg held roundtable discussions focusing on innovation and cooperation for a sustainable future at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Among the participants were representatives of German and Swedish businesses, institutions and government agencies.

Mikael Damberg welcomes Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel on her arrival to Sweden. Maria Nilsson/Government Offices

Mr Damberg opened the talks by presenting the new agreement on an innovation partnership between Germany and Sweden. The innovation partnership focuses on innovation and cooperation within four themes: mobility, test beds, digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and eHealth.

“I am proud to be here today and to be able to launch the new innovation partnership between Germany and Sweden. This is a unique agreement on cooperation between our countries to promote innovative solutions for society, new export products and stronger competitiveness,” said Mrs. Merkel.
