I have been working with capacity building for a long time. I have also worked in many countries over the years.
You learn a lot from meeting people all around the world and from every day facing new challenges, developing new solutions and addressing new problems that needs to be solved.
Sometimes I feel like The Fixer. A global expert on Customs, borders, security and trade – ready to do my part making the world a better place. I am somebody that can give advise based on long international experience on how to handle movement of people and gods though the world in the most effecient way.
However, capacity building is not about dropping from the sky in a parachute like a ‘superman’. That doesn’t work when we do capacity building.
Instead it is about learning as much as possible about the environment you are worklng in and try to transfer relevant experiences and best practices from all around the world, together with local experitise, adjust the models to local circumstances and creating something new based on knowledge.
I have many colleagues and friends that contributes and do their best to make our profession, our part of the world, better. We know that with globalization people trade more and move more. This is good.
From history we have learned that when we know each other better and when we trade more the risks of conflicts decreases. We need a more friendly world in the future, that is sure. If I and my colleagues can donour little clntribution to that vision, then I am happy with my life.
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