There is a lot of talk about AI for Customs & HS Classification. Like many others we work in the fromtline of this development, but it is still early days.
In addition, there are specific areas where it always will be necessary to apply Strategic Customs Planning to futureproof your supply chain end-to-end from a trade compliance perspective. It could be related to utterly complicated & complex areas, the impact of various customs elements & procedures, using various customs instruments & simplifications – or decision making for new products or product areas like e.g energy & batteries or other reasons related to risks related to tax, excise, security or money laundring.
Agencies are constantly improving their ability to detect fraud, inconsistency, non-compliance & errors, by using intelligence modern risk assessment & the same type of pattern recognition & AI based software solutions as everybody else.
In Maersk Customs Services, Global Trade and Customs Consulting (GTCC) we do our Strategic Customs Planning for customers based on insights & knowledge using customs & trade datadriven analysis.
Every company in international trade will have to increase their trade compliance & supply chain monitoring going forward in an increasingly complicated world, especially when regulators are passing new rules on areas like ESG, forced labor & other similar new requirements. Trade visibility in combination with trust based systems (like e.g AEO, Trusted Trader status etc) will be key to manage the future value- & supply chains, your business.
It is about striking the balance for your company when it comes to use of inhouse competence or outsources managed services provided by expert companies, with the use of new digital tools.
This will be the battelfield providing the license to play during the next five to ten years to come.
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