
Today it’s Mandela Day. i had the fortune to meet this amazing person once. When he walked into the room you felt his presence instantly. He was a larger-than-life-leader and he will never be forgotten.

This morning I was moved by a LinkedIn post made by Bill Gates.

This is one of my favorite photographs ever. During my dad’s visit to South Africa, Nelson Mandela took him and President Jimmy Carter to a clinic that cared for infants born with HIV. As reporters and photographers looked on, he picked up one of the babies and held it in his arms. During a time when people were afraid of HIV transmission, Mr. Mandela exemplified how we can fight stigma and spread reliable information. His legacy lives on as a reminder that it’s possible to solve big challenges. #MandelaDay

The legacy of Nelson Mandela is still with us.

As Mandela said: “Do what you can with what you have where you are”