Wonderful Copenhagen

Yesterday I was in Denmark for a meeting with Danish Customs colleagues. In the afternoon I took the day off and stayed for a few hours in Copenhagen, a wonderful city. 

Here I am enjoying a typical Danish lunch meal, red sausage (pölse) bread, mustard and tomato. And the nost important thing, a Danish beer from Carlsberg.

Since I have lived by the Baltic Sea entrance and Öresund directly across from Copenhagen most if my life, it has always been great to visit Copenhagen. 

This is Nyhavn (New Harbour) that used to be a rough neighborhood in my youth when we had to take the boat over the sea. Now Nyhavn is a great place full of tourists, but also with some very nice retaurants.

Since it was an extra day between a holiday and the weekend, and great weather, the streets were packed with people and we had a great day in Denmark.