Sweden played Ireland in the first game of the UEFA EuroCup 2016 playoff groupstage. The game ended 1-1. 
Ireland scored 1-0 in the beginning of second half. Sweden then had a recovery and scored 1-1. It was our captain Zlatan Ibrahimovic that did a great move, after a backhrel pass from John Guidetti, and hit the ball hard towards the goal which pressured an Irish defender to score an own goal. 

To be fair. This was a poor performance, a bad football game. To be honest, Ireland was the better team. Our first half was the worst I have ever seen the Swedish national team play. I feel sorry for Ireland being ‘robbed’ of 2 points, but I am happy that it was Sweden that was getting the draw. 

At least the Swedish and Irish fans were acknowledged as being the best so dar, singing and creating an atmosphere of joy and friendliness. We need more of that these days.

Yesterday we played Italy. An Italian team that easily beat the group favourites Belgium 2-0 in their first game. Sweden did a much better game than against Ireland. We were dominating the ball possesion (60-40), but didn’t manage to create the real open chances to score. 

Italy had 2-3 players on Ibrahimovic all through the game, which our other players should have taken advanatge of. Italy is a strong tram and in 89th minute they scored on a counter attack. On extra time we were denied a oenalty that clearly should have been given. It was simply not our day and we had no luck with the referee. 

So only one point in two games for my beloved national team so far. Is it over? No, it is never over ‘until the fat lady sings’ as they say. 

On Wednesday we play favourites Belgium in Nice. This game will be decisive. The team that wins is though to the knock-out rounds. A difficult game for us. Another loss for Sweden? Maybe, maybe not Football is an amazing sport – nothing is impossible. So I think Sweden will win. 

Legendary soccer coach Carlo Ancelotti, now taking over in Bayern Munich, hails the mindset and charachter of Swedish International striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic in a article in The Telegraph and Goal.Com. 

“The thing about Ibra is this is a guy who always wants to win,” the Italian wrote in The Telegraph.

The former Milan player and legend Ancelotti coached Ibrahimovic in Paris Saint-Germain. He has also coached Real Madrid, Chelsea, Milan and Juventus.

“Trust me, this guy would chase the last pass in the last minute of a training session in July if he thought he could get the goal that won the eight-a-side.

To read the entire article, click here: Ibra is not an ordinary 34 year old player

This week I am in Brasilia working on AEO Brazil Phase III.
Today we had an amazing workshop between Customs, Tax, Agriculture & Tax to start the development of one of the first fully integrated ‘Single Government AEO Status’ models in the world, connecting the AEO programme & the Single Window.This means that AEO status given by Receita Federal (the Brazilian Revenue Authority) will also be acknowledged and given benefits by the other agencies. Amazing progress on te meeting today.

In the room we had brave, competent & visionary managers creating a system for the future. I am proud to be a part of this project, in our own way building a new future for Brazil.

I love working in Brazil & with Brazilian agencies, colelagues. They show such dedication, passion, professionalism, love for their country – despite tough times in many ways.