Yesterday was great day for me. 

I was awarded the title Doctor of Education (honoris causa) from Charles Sturt University (CSU) at a ceremony in Sydney. 

Doctor of Education (honoris causa)

This is a fantastic honor and I want to thank the University for acknowledging me and the area of Customs in this prominent way. 

I have worked for many years in Customs capacity building, reform/modernization and education with the aim to raise the acknowledement and professionalism of Customs. Being ackowledged by academia in this way is truly an amazing reward and inspiration. 

Pro Chancellor Angelos Frangopoulos, Dr. Lars Karlsson, Vice-Chancellor Andy Vann, Charles Sturt University

The Graduation Ceremony was held at Rosehill Gardens in Sydney, Australia.

Before my adress to the Pro Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Professors, five PhDs, two hundred and seventy Graduate Students and approximately eight hundred people and relatives participating in the event – a citation for my award was read, saying: 

Mr Karlsson is internationally recognised as the architect of contemporary approaches to customs compliance management and customs capacity building, and founded the formal link between the World Customs Organisation and academia which has led to the international accreditation of customs degree programs”. 

It also said; “Mr Karlsson is globally recognised for his unparalleled contributions to the professional practice of customs”. 

“In his role as Director of Capacity Building at the World Customs Organisation, Mr Karlsson devised and introduced the most ambitious and successful international capacity building initiative in the history of customs. Known as the ‘Columbus’ program, it has formed the basis of reform, modernisation and development initiatives in over 120 countries around the globe, and is still in use today after ten years of successful operation”

With Professor David Widdowson, CCES/INCU

I am deeply moved by these words and I am extremely honored to have received this award. This is great moment in my professional career and private life.

The Press Release from CSU for the event stated: 

The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Lars Karlsson. The title of Doctor of Education (honoris causa) will also be conferred on Mr Karlsson for his ‘significant contribution to the public good through his outstanding input and influence in the professional practice of customs education and capacity building.’

In my speech I underlined that; “…life is about learning and learning is life”, in reference to lifelong learning. Further more I quoted an early mentor that always ended every conversation by saying; “Whatever you learned today, use it – go out and change the world”. I also quoted Nelson Mandela who said; “I never loose, I win or learn. Education is the most powerful weapon in the world”. 

My daughter Malin was invited to the event

This was a great day. I will always remember it. Thank you to all of you for making this possible, especially all colleagues and friends that I have worked with over the years. 

In addition I want to extend my profound gratitude to Charles Sturt University, especially Pro Chancellor Dr Angelos Frangopoulos, Vice-Chancellor Andrew Vann, Professor Tracey Green, Professor David Widdowson – and all colleagues and friends at the Center for Customs and Excise Studies. 

Thank you all. 

This is the diploma announcing that Charles Sturt University conferred a Doctor of Education (honoris causa) earlier this week. 

This was a tremendous honor and a very proud moment for me. 

I want to thank the leadership of CSU, Pro Chancellor Dr. Angelos Frangopoulos, Chancellor Dr. Michelle Allen, Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann ä, Professor Tracey Green and Professor David Widdowson for giving me this honor.

I also want to thank Linda Breen, Tisi Tukuniu and Faye Christopher for your help and support during this process. 

Finally my gratitude to all colleagues and friends that over the years have been so important for me in my work – you know who you are. Thank you! 

Emirates, only on Emirates. The best airline in the world right now. By far. 

The economy/coach service is amazing. Especially in the A380 plane.

Wifi aboard, 400 movies on a 15 inch screen, TV Shows, live television, music and a lot of exiting documentaries. 

I just watched two very good documentaries on Emirates ICE. I recommend them both.
First I watched ‘Vikings Uncovered’.  

In the documentary Dan Snow uncovers the lost Vikings in America with space archaeologist Dr Sarah Parcak. 

Sarah uses satellites 383 miles above the earth to spot ruins as small as 30cm buried beneath the surface. As Sarah searches for Viking sites from Britain to America, Dan explores how they voyaged thousands of miles when most ships never left the shoreline. He also tracks their expansion west, first as raiders and then as settlers and traders throughout Britain and beyond to Iceland and Greenland. In North America they excavate what could be the most westerly Viking settlement ever discovered.

Then I watched ‘City in the Skies’, which I loved (being a globetrotter). 

This is a BBC2 documentary about what does it take to get a million people and their luggage off the ground and up in the air? At any one time a million people are airborne. A city in the sky made up of the 100,000 flights that criss-cross the world daily.

These are great shows. Don’t miss them.