The United Nations (UN) has appointed a new Secretary General.

It will be Portugal’s former Prime Minister Antonio Guterres, who takes over the role from January 1, according to the AP.

Guterres replaces South Korean Ban Ki-Moon, who has been in office for two five-year periods.

This is an excellent decision. 

It is also very good that the institution only grants officials two terms nowadays. Two terms should be a maximum in all international institutions.

Robert Zimmerman a.k.aBob Dylan was named the surprise winner of the Nobel prize for literature in Stockholm today “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

Speaking to reporters after the announcement, the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Sara Danius, said she hoped the Academy would not be criticised for its choice.

The times they are a’changing

“The times they are a’changing, perhaps,” she said, comparing the songs of the American songwriter, who had yet to be informed of his win, to the works of Homer and Sappho.

Today The Swedish (Stockholm) Chamber of Commerce, the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprise and Swedish Customs arranged the annual Customs-Trade Symposium in Stockholm. 

I was invited as Key Note Speaker and delivered the end speech under the topic: Customs Trends in the World: Back to the Future. 

At the Symposium – that is arranged every year – I talked about the new AEO paradigm, BREXIT, UCC, WTO TFA and about the use of Social Media in the Customs area. I took this selfie during my presentation.

This is a very important event where all stakeholders of the supply chain meet to discuss about how to make international trade, safer, better and more effecient. 

This year approximately 450 people participated in the seminar.