Enough of movies about detectives, spies and lawyers – and finally a movie about the real heroes of business life, accountants. 

Today our business process are based on systems and the monitoring relies on system based controls. Also in Customs through systems like AEO and Trusted Traders. It will be even more so in the future. 

The movie? Well, it is not really about audit and validation, but it is pretty good and has won a number of awards. Go and see it. I liked it. 

The Swedish Minister of Interior Anders Ygeman and the US Ambassador to Sweden Azita Raji today signed a security agreement which makes it possible to introduce the US aviation preclearance systemat at Arlanda-Stockholm Airport. 

This agreement was a result of lengthy and complicated negotiations, according to the Swedish Minister.

“There have been questions about costs, about weapons, how to deal with those who are not allowed to enter, for example. But now we are in agreement, he said. At a special ceremony Ygeman and Ambassador Raji signed the agreement as a result of the close cooperation between the two countries on security matters. 

In practical terms, the agreement will mean that US personnel do customs and security checks are already at the airport for those travelers who take a direct flight from the destination of United States. The powers will be the same as the other staff at the airport, for example, existing armament. “They will be unarmed but have access to weapons when needed”, says Ygeman.

The Government has already appointed a committee which will look into whether, and if so, what legislative changes required for the system to function according to Swedish law. It is planned to be presented next summer.

Azita Raji says she is proud that the countries now agree:”The agreement gives US Authorities the ability to control people before they get on the plane and the relations between the two countries will improve. We also hope to increase tourism, this can only lead to better understanding and friendship between us. For Sweden, I also believe that there are economic benefits to be the first country in the Nordic countries with this kind Airport. Arlanda get the opportunity to become a hub in the region”, continued Raji at the Pres Conference today.

Sweden is one of the most successful countries in my sport Olympic Team Handball ever, winning five World Championships and numerous other titles. However we haven’t won a big title since 2002. For a period of time our national team has been good, but not good enough. Especially on 9 meters. Our 6 meters players (left, right and pivot) have been world class all along. Also the goal keepers have had a very high international standard. Modern handball is dominated by strong 9 meter players. 

France, has dominated handball the last decade through a strong nine meter lineup. 

Yesterday a new, young Swedish national team under a new coach crushed Montenegro in a qualifying game, 36-21. It was one game, but still we saw the future. 

Sweden played with Flensburg playmaker, Jim Gottfridsson (24), Kiel sharpshootet Lukas Nilsson (19) – who recently scored 11 goals against PSG in Champions League – and the new supertalent Simon Jeppsson (21). 

Jeppson, a 202 cm, leftback 9 meter player is one of the most talented hard-shooters I have seen. While Lukas Nilsson could be our biggest talent ever. In combinatiln with intelligent Gottfridsson this will become a line-up that will bring medals to Sweden over the next decade. No doubt. 

Now we only need another right wing back 9 player of world class also and then we will go for gold again.