These days are days when the EU and UK negotiators are talking about the next steps of the process. EU is digesting the UK White Paper and mo official repsonse has been published yet. The clock is ticking and the world is waiting.

Where will Brexit go? It is a complicated matter and anybody that says it is not, is simply not correct. So what is the road to Brexit?

The politics is the real challenge here. Will the deadlock break? And when?

I have said for a long time that from a technical perspective this is not a difficult problem. We know how to design a fast and safe border today, using Trusted Trader concepts to move Customs, tariffs and non-tariff border formalities ways from the border – and using modern low friction technology for the border identification process. It is possible to create a non-stop-shop at the borders, while still fulfilling all formalities regulated by international law. This is not the real challenge.

The real challenge is to get to the point where this can be agreed at the lowest possible cost for everybody involved.

Is this what will happen? We don’t know yet. But hopefully soon we will know. Since we all need to start preparing for a post-Brexit environment.

WCO has released its framework of standards on cross-border eCommerce, which is still mainly an overarching document – but all guidance on this extremely important topic for all of is welcome.

WCO writes that Customs administrations need to engage with all relevant stakeholders with a view to collectively defining the appropriate approach to adopt both from a trade facilitation and enforcement perspective. WCO also clearly underline that the AEO instrument should be used also for eCommerce:

“Customs administrations should explore the possibilities of applying AEO Programmes and Mutual Recognition Arrangements/Agreements in the context of cross-border E-Commerce”

Cross-border eCommerce is the ’elephant-in-the-room’ of our time.

WCO also states that, ”Customs administrations should explore the possibilities of applying AEO Programmes and Mutual Recognition Arrangements/Agreements in the context of cross-border E-Commerce, including leveraging the role of intermediaries, to enable Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) and individuals to fully benefit from the opportunities of cross-border E-Commerce”.

E-commerce has become a game changer in the international trade arena and this is the big challenge to solve for the future.

You can find the entire document here: WCO Cross-Border eCommerce Framework of Standards

Manny ‘PacMan’ Pacquiao night back in the ring. With his first knockout in nine years he won the title match last might against Argentinian Lucas Matthysse.

“I lost to a big fairy and a big legend in Manny Pacquiao, Matthysse said after the loss. Last Manny Pacquiao, 39, went to a match in July 2017. Then he unexpectedly fell to Jeff Horn and lost the WBO title in welterweight.

After 378 days and a change of coach, the Philippine politician and boxing legend were back in the ring last night. In Kuala Lumpur, Manny Pacquiao took over the WBA title in welterweight, after defeating Lucas Matthysse. The match was settled in the seventh round.

“I’m surprised since Matthysse is a very tough opponent and I knocked him down. I was focused and patient in the field and I have worked hard on the training”, said Pacquiao, after the victory, according to ESPN.

According to The Guardian thid was the biggest boxing match in Malaysia since Muhammad Ali won sgainst Joe Bugner in 1975. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duerte attended the match, and acclaimed his countryman.