Is Emmanuel Macron’s post-Brexit vision is too complex to be workable? This question is posed by The Independent in an article today.

I think the idea of using Brexit to re-launch the EU is interesting. A debate about the future of EU in the light of Brexit has been missing. Now it can start.

Macron did talk about his ideas for the European Union already during his Presidential election campaign, which means that the French people did give him an open mandate for pushing these ideas by his election. At the dame time there are many question marks yet, The Independent raises some of them – there are others too. Anyway, the discussion is healthy and should be central in parallel with the Brexot negotiations.

Here is the text from the article. You judge yourself.

The imaginative intervention by the French president has been welcomed – but the detail may make it impractical.

As “Mr Brexit”, Dominic Raab heads to Brussels for what is billed as a “marathon” talks session, the key to breaking the deadlock between the two sides remains elusive. It says much for the parlous state of these Brexit negotiations that some vaguely encouraging words from the French president are greeted with the same enthusiasm someone starving might display for the sudden arrival of an exquisite freshly baked croissant from The Great British Bake Off team.

So used, in other words, have the British grown to the notion of a miserable, or at least chaotic, no-deal Brexit that the suggestion that ties between the UK and the EU might in future remain close is greeted with delirium, certainly in Remain circles. How far we have travelled from this being the “easiest deal in human history”, as Liam Fox once claimed.

Emmanuel Macron, with some statesmanship, has intervened in the Brexit debate, and indeed the debate about the future of the European Union, with his usual elan. Temporarily, he seems distracted by a row about his strange reference to his own people as “resistant to change” compared with the “Lutheran” Danes who were hosting him on an official visit.

Despite his surprising string of PR disasters, he is still the nearest thing Europe presently has to a political leader. The president has given a strong steer to the EU negotiators that the British should be treated more sympathetically, and that France wishes to keep ties across la Manche “as close to possible”. Michel Barnier, head of the EU team, has also spoken of an “unprecedented” deal awaiting the UK, perhaps after a nudge from Paris.

Mr Macron may have been persuaded of a softer approach to the British during his brief mini-summit with Ms May earlier this month. Most likely, from the tenor of his recent remarks on the future of Europe without unconditional American support, he is growing alarmed that Brexit might mean a weakening in EU security. Britain’s military means and status may be denuded after waves of defence cuts, but it is still ahead of all of its European allies, and, with France, the only nuclear power this side of the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the few areas the Europeans need the British more than vice versa.

Structurally, Mr Macron envisages a more stable new framework for European relations. This he will reveal to his counterparts at the EU summit in October. He has also revived the idea of a Europe of “concentric circles”, which has been going around policymakers and think tanks on and off for decades. It would place Britain in an outer, probably the outermost, circle of European nations, perhaps with other current European Economic Area nations such as Norway, or perhaps even occupy a special outermost limits area with the likes of Moldova or Ukraine.

At the “core” of Europe’s concentric circles would be those nations that accept all of the current integration projects, plus some others: the euro, the Schengen area, the customs union, the single market and various other agencies and conventions. A “fiscal union” would be an ambition of Mr Macron, which he would hope to persuade financially sound states such as Germany, Finland and the Netherlands to join, to cement the monetary union and stabilise the euro. He might encounter resistance from the governments of all three, in which case the “core” might prove very small indeed.

“Core Europe” might also subscribe to a more formal commitment to sharing the settlement of refugees, something to which states such as Hungary, Italy and the Czech Republic are adamantly opposed. The central core might well also acquire some enhanced European defence capability, building on the existing and overlapping ad hoc arrangements.

Oddly, though, the UK is already more embedded in the notion of a “European army”, the Eurosceptics’ worst nightmare, than many appreciate. In June, for example, the Leave-supporting defence secretary, Gavin Williamson, signed up to the European Intervention Initiative, alongside France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Estonia, Spain and Portugal – all EU states. Britain is still a member of the European Defence Agency, and, of course, is allied via Nato, with EU partners and non-EU European partners (Iceland, Albania, Montenegro and Norway).

The alternative to the concentric circles model, also long bandied around, would be a “variable geometry” Europe, which might suit the trends already developing in the bloc. Thus Italy might find itself in a circle along with other states that opt out of the agreement on migrants and also leave the euro. Norway, as now, would be inside the defence agreement and single market, but outside the euro and single market. Sweden would, perhaps, retain its historic neutrality and Schengen group membership and remain outside the defence pact and the euro but, as now, agree to a convention on the settlement of migrants. Ireland might follow suit, but retain the euro and stay outside the Schengen area. Finland and Austria are historically bound, on Russian insistence, to be neutral. Switzerland, meanwhile, is inside Schengen.

It would be, as Mr Macron puts it, “more Europe” for some states but a looser, more flexible arrangement for others, recognising the political stresses that nations including Austria, Italy and Hungary find themselves under.

Mr Macron’s vision is certainly imaginative, and one that EU leaders can take a view on before their Brexit-focused summit in October. It would mean, inevitably, French leadership as the driving motor of the core European Union’s federalist project, while retaining close relationships with member states not yet ready for such pooling of sovereignty. It would also mean a Europe of enormous complexity, in which politicians, policymakers and citizens would have to keep a particularly complex Euler diagram to hand when planning holidays, let alone contemplating their political futures – and, thus, possibly impractical.

So far as the immediate application of President Macron’s principles are concerned, we have a clue from France’s Europe minister, Nathalie Loiseau, who has said that the UK could not expect a deal which gave it both the economic “benefits” of a Norway-style association agreement with the EU but the lesser “obligations” of a Canada-style free trade deal: “There is something in between, but there has to be a balance between the rights and obligations in relations with the EU.” That would certainly be a disappointment for Mr Raab.

Useful as the concentric circles may prove to be one day, it is also obvious that this is a project that will take even longer than Brexit, and leaves us more or less where we started – with a looming deadline and an alarming lack of concrete, legally sound treaty-ready agreements.

Source: The Independent

I have not had many role models and idols in my life but Paul Hewson, a.k.a Bono, is a person I highly admire.

I saw U2 live the first time in Paris during a shool study trip 1979, before they were known and a year before their first album Boy.

I have followed U2 as my favourite band since then and I have seen their concerts live many times since then.

However my admiration for Bono goes beyond his music, his voice and his lyrics.

For me Bono is larger than life. A hero of our time. His engagament for the poor and weak in the world is unique. Using hos fame as a platform for his politics deserves respect.

Talk To Me: Bono and Jordan Hewson – A hearfelt father-daughter interview

In this Talk-To-Me video Bono is interviewed by his oldest daughter Jordan. It is beautiful. A father and his daughter. A daughter and her dad.

Today is the birthday of my oldest daughter Louise. I feel the same connection.

Open Europe’s Pieter Cleppe outlines the arrangements planned by the EU27 to prepare for a possible ‘No Deal’ Brexit scenario.

Understandably, a lot of the recent focus in the British media has been on UK preparedness for a ‘No Deal’ Brexit but, just as with a negotiated deal, there are many players determining how this scenario could play out. The EU27 as a whole and individual countries are making their own plans as well.

While the impact of a badly handled ‘No Deal’ Brexit would have a greater proportional effect on the UK, the EU also has much to lose from ‘No Deal’, and certain member states, such as Ireland in particular, could be heavily exposed in a ‘No Deal’ scenario.

Below I set out the range of measures (not exhaustive) that governments and firms across the EU27 are taking to plan for April 2019. It must be said that it is not always clear to what extent these measures are being taken to prepare for a ‘No Deal’ or negotiated Brexit, as many are likely to be required under either scenario.

What is clear is that some member states are far more prepared than others and some appear more flexible than others.


•  Each Irish ministry has been aksed to identify the potential impact of a ‘No Deal’ split and what resources would be needed to deal with it.

• Infrastructure at ports and airports will be upgraded, in particular at Dublin and Rosslare Ports. The Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, has specified that “about 1000” customs and veterinary inspectors will be hired “over the course of the next year,” to post “at ports and airports,” although none of them will be deployed on the border with the North as checks at the Northern Irish border “is not a scenario that we’re going to prepare for.” He added that “in the unlikely event of a ‘No Deal’ hard Brexit next March, of course it will not be possible to have 1,000 people in place by then, but we will make contingency arrangements to do whatever needs to be done in the unlikely event that should arise.”

• The Irish government is drawing up plans to stockpile insulin, vaccinations and other medical supplies because of possible restrictions to import from the UK.

• The Irish government has also signed off on a plan to remove all of Ireland’s 200,000 tonnes oil reserves from the UK, “for national security reasons.”

• Other measures include setting up a new system on the Irish stock exchange to settle shares and securities, lobby the EU Commission to relax state aid rules, offer businesses a ‘Be Prepared’ grant of up to €5,000 and making sure Irish pensioners with a UK pension continue to receive it.

• Only 6% of Irish businesses already had a Brexit plan in place this Summer, according to a survey by Allied Irish Banks (AIB). For Northern Ireland, that figure was 5%, despite 70% of firms expecting the UK’s departure from the EU to have a negative impact on Ireland’s economy. The manufacturing, retail and tourism sectors here were the most negative about Brexit. According to another survey, customs and logistics are the single largest Brexit worry for Irish businesses.


• The Belgian government has decided to hire at least 141 extra customs officials. The plan is to hire them this autumn and to train them so they are ready by April 2019. Trade unions representing customs officials have accused the government of underestimating the extra workload and being too late to deal with Brexit, claiming that the Netherlands has been quicker on the ball.

• The Belgian customs administration has also set up an internal committee which will be responsible for the extra infrastructure and for training the new staff. It has drawn up a list of potential items that may be needed after Brexit, which reportedly includes more luggage scanners, sniffer dogs, manual scanners, drones to survey the coastline, a submarine to examine ships in the North Sea, as well as vehicles, computers, work spaces, and uniforms. There are also plans to coordinate with neighbouring countries, the European Commission, Belgian ports and airports.

• Special attention is being devoted to the ports of Zeebrugge and Antwerp, which are big re-exporters of goods to the UK. Together with the Dutch ports they account for the majority of total inbound and outbound traffic with Britain’s ports. The CEO of Zeebrugge, which has 46% of its traffic with the UK, has claimed the port will be ready for Brexit. It is building a digital platform to speed up bureaucratic procedures, and t it may be better equipped than some competitors, because it specialises in people-free freight.


• The Netherlands was the first to announce it is hiring extra customs officials, up to 930, to deal with Brexit and a possible ‘No Deal’. This is a 20% increase in staff capacity. According to the Dutch government, this is mainly needed in Rotterdam port. The Dutch Food Safety Authority NVWA also plans to increase its staff numbers with 143 people, to implement checks at ports and airports. Especially veterinarians are needed.

• The Dutch government is currently drafting a “playbook,” which should be ready by October, to deal with a ‘No Deal’ scenario, following pressure from the Dutch Parliament, which will be briefed on the “playbook” in September.

• The Dutch government has prepared a €3.9 million budget to help business with Brexit. This includes the possibility to request a €2,500 voucher which can be used for a “Brexit test,” to check how a company would be affected by Brexit.

• The CEO of Dutch employer federation VNO-NCW has stated he is doubtful whether Dutch companies that are trading with the UK are sufficiently prepared for Brexit, warning them at a special meeting that “on Brexit day you are too late.”

• The port of Rotterdam, which is the Europe’s biggest port, plans to simulate the worst case Brexit scenario in November, with its Director, Allard Castelein, explaining, “we will do a test whereby we simulate a “real’ Brexit situation. All parties and companies will then feel how it will be…On that day, we hope to discover the problematic issues. Then we still have a few months to prepare ourselves for the real Brexit.” He also warned that “I don’t feel the sense of urgency among government or business to deal with Brexit scenarios.”


• The German customs administration is planning to hire 900 new customs officials in the coming year, to be posted at the ports of Hamburg and Bremen, at major airports, such as Frankfurt or Cologne-Bonn, and at DHL’s hub in Leipzig. It has been preparing for all possible scenarios for months. Action plans to minimise upheaval have been drafted.

• Business federations have been urging businesses to prepare, publishing information about Brexit, with the BDI, Germany’s biggest industry lobby warning “many companies simply hope there won’t be hard Brexit.” Especially smaller German companies are not well prepared.

• Manufacturers, like BMW, are reportedly preparing infrastructure to stockpile parts and training Deutsche Bank has stated it is already prepared for a ‘No Deal’ scenario.

• Some firms seem to prepare by simply shifting some production away from Britain. In March, it was revealed by the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, based on a survey of more than 2,000 supply chain managers, that one in seven European companies with UK suppliers had moved part or all of their business out of Britain.


• The French government has announced it will hire 700 extra customs staff by 2020, on top of the 250 that are being stationed this year at ports in Calais, Dunkirk and Eurostar terminals in France.

• French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has also asked his ministers to prepare “contingency measures that would be necessary…to mitigate the difficulties linked with this unprecedented challenge” of a ‘No Deal’. The measures will be inserted an emergency bill which the French Parliament will be asked to approve and include plans to “facilitate the residency of British nationals already living in France” and to ensure “the greatest possible fluidity of border controls” when the UK leaves the EU.

• Also, the French government has been suffering domestic criticism for its lack of preparedness. In July, Xavier Bertrand, the president of the Hauts-de-France region, which includes Calais, issued a desperate warning that there was not enough contingency planning because there is no cross-border communication between French and British policy makers, saying, “I don’t think there is enough awareness. Many politicians think it is all automatic and somebody will take care of Calais.”


• Luxembourg may be small but its role is not unimportant in Brexit, given the presence of a large asset management industry in the Grand Duchy. The country, which has stressed that keeping financial channels with the UK open benefits the EU, is seen as attractive to certain London-based asset management and insurance firms looking to continue to benefit from an EU passport to provide services once the UK leaves the EU.

• Asset managers will need to start activating contingency plans by the Autumn according to The Investment Association, a trade body for UK investment managers, Luxembourg’s financial regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), has ordered financial institutions in the Grand Duchy to prepare for a ‘No Deal’ Brexit by taking “immediate practical steps to prepare for Brexit” and to inform their clients of the potential risks.

Other countries:

• In Poland, several ministries have been analyzing the potential impact, both on the many Polish citizens living in the UK and on the Polish budget which is vulnerable to a cut in EU subsidies. At the end of July, the government was determining how many additional customs agents will be required and investigating measures to limit the risks to business.

• Spain’s government has been running an analysis of the different potential outcomes of the Brexit talks, including the ‘cliff-edge’ scenario, based on input from companies and business groups. It has also been working on a plan to shield its tourism industry from any disruption to air travel and will allow UK citizens to use their existing Spanish ID as a post-Brexit entitlement paper, which is a more flexible arrangement than the one France has in mind. Last month, the Spanish government warned the UK that a ‘cliff-edge’ Brexit must be avoided for Gibraltar, as bilateral talks between Spain and the UK are currently ongoing over this issue.

• The Italian government reportdly does not yet have a contingency plan for a ‘No Deal’ Brexit, as it considers this a remote prospect, according to a senior official, who thinks EU-wide contingency planning may be needed instead, in September or October. Business is however getting nervous, as Roberto Moncalvo, president of Italian farming union Coldiretti has warned Italian agriculture “can’t pay the price of Brexit,” estimating that 800,000 Italian farms may be impacted by possible agricultural spending cuts.

• The rest of the 27 remaining EU member states have been following quite similar strategies in preparing for a ‘No Deal’ Brexit: identifying different scenarios and developing actions plans (Bulgaria, Denmark, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Sweden), increasing customs staff (Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany) or not (Portugal, Austria). Some countries (Lithuania) have no specific contingency plans.

The European Commission:

• The European Commission has been preparing contingency plans that would allow the EU to take unilateral measures to mitigate the risks to trade with the UK in the event of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit. The Commission has published a list of pending legislative inititives on “preparedness” and has also put up a “Brexot Preparedness website”.

• Apparently there are already disagreements over the duration and range of such arrangements. One concern within the Commission is that it may not be able to act as swiftly as the UK. This is because many decisions would require the endorsement of all member states as well as the European Parliament. Moves would also have to be compatible with European treaties and could be challenged in the European Court of Justice (ECJ).


Some EU member states have already spent a lot of capital and energy on planning for ‘No Deal’, others not that much. Even the governments that have taken a lot of measures to prepare for Brexit, such as the Dutch, Belgian and French governments, have been suffering domestic criticism from business groups for not doing enough.

Ireland has done most in terms of preparations so far, but the admission by Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar  that in any case his government will not manage to put in place all of the 1,000 new customs officials and inspectors by March is indicative of the obvious: it is incredibly hard to prepare for a ‘No Deal’ Brexit and many of the EU27 member states will not be properly prepared for it.

The good news is that this might make the lose-lose ‘No Deal’ scenario less likely.

Source: OpenEurope, Pieter Cleppe