What do you build? A bridge or a wall? There are different ways of meeting challenges. Either you can try to build a wall to shut out problems and challanges – or you can try to build bridges over to the other side.
For me the choice has always been easy. I build bridges, bridges to the future. I believe in cooperation. To build things together.
it is important to find new ways. If you build one wall, you will sooner or later have to build another. And another. If you build walls on all sides you will soon find yourself in a closed room without any doors leading out again.
We need bridges and we need to pass these bridges together.
What do you build?
Bristish companies are getting increasingly worried for Brexit and according to a new study the anxiety is now at an all-time-high.
Policians and negotiators are working hard to find a way forward. Government agencies, on both sides, are working hard to prepare.
172 days to go.
The Guardian writes today that British businesses are the most anxious they have been about Brexit since the 2016 referendum, with more bosses reining in hiring and investment plans, a study has found.
Gloom over Brexit has risen, too; 79% of CFOs say they expect the long-term business environment to be worse as a result of leaving the EU, up from 75% in the second quarter of 2018. This is the third consecutive quarterly rise, to the highest level since the referendum.
For me it is important to also look at the opportunities. A smart border solution would and should not only be about damage reduction, but also building the best border process in the world. This would actually over time prove to improve trade everywhere.
Source: The Guardian
You can read the article here: Brexit anxiety for businesses ‘at highest since referendum’
In a new international survey, Sweden is ranked at the top of the list – and is considered to be the country with the best reputation in the world.
According to a new survey called Country RepTrak from the consultancy agency Reputation Institute, Sweden is listed as the world’s best-rated country.
In order to arrive at this, 58,000 people in the G8 countries have been ranked countries by reputation. A total of 55 countries fought for the first place. With its top ranking, Sweden has climbed the list with the previous third placement.
One has ranked the main areas of economics, governance and appealing environment. Sweden is perceived as ethical and to be a country with good transparency, low corruption and with the most progressive social and economic policies.
“Sweden stands out as experiencing a generous, equitable and environmentally conscious country with high morals,” commented Nicolas George Trad of the Reputation Institute who conducted the study. Sweden is at the top, together with other Scandinavian and European countries. Finland ended up in second place, Switzerland in third place followed by Norway. Even New Zealand, Australia and Canada ended up among top ten.
Here is a link to the publication: Survey Country RepTrak 2018
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