Another evening flying above the clouds on new missions. There is no place I think better than in the air.

I guess it is the habit of having travel all around the world the lst twenty years or so. I really do feel comfortable in a plane. It has been my office in the air for many years now.

Today I participated in the second of three Swedish Customs & Trade Symposiums (Customs Day 2018), this time in Stockholm.

The event is an annual event organized in the three major cities of Sweden, namely; Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmö.

In the Stockholm event today approximately 500 people participated.

I was invited to a panel (two speakers) to talk about ‘Global Customs Trends’, where I primarily talked about Brexit.

The event is co-organized by Swedish Customs, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce and the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises.

Great event. The new CEO of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Andreas Hatzigeorgieu opened the event with a great speech about the Chambers view on future trade.

Next stop Malmö – next week.

170 days to Brexit. On 20-21 November, only days after the extra EU Summit, we arrange a high-level non-profit Brexit Symposium in Soest, Germany.

We have a great lunch-to-lunch agenda with amazing speakers concentrating on practical preparations for Brexit regardless of scenario. You find the updated agenda below. Don’t miss it, still some places left. This is a unique one-time EU-UK event.

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