In just a few days, leaders and decision-makers from across the globe will meet in Istanbul for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). In just a few days, leaders and decision-makers from across the globe will meet in Istanbul for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS).

At a time of unprecedented humanitarian needs, global partnership and solidarity are more important than ever before. Next week’s Summit in Istanbul provides us with a unique opportunity to strengthen our global humanitarian response. As the Secretary General states in his report for the Summit – this is One Humanity, and it is a Shared Responsibility. For all of us.

As co-chairs of the DHP, Brazil and Sweden have over the past two years provided a platform for open, transparent and inclusive discussions in the run-up to the Summit.

As humanitarian and development partners we will continue to provide support for those in need, and to work towards a stronger, more effective and more inclusive global humanitarian response system, as well as to continue to promote International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law.

In view of this, Sweden and Brazil have both decided to support all the core commitments proposed for the Summit in Istanbul. We would encourage other Member States to consider doing the same, SwedishGovernment says in a statement.

Transport infrastructure is a key to economic development. We know that trade plays a vital role for the development of our societies. OECD has just presented an interesting report on Transport Infrastructure Needs for Future Growth: Capacity to Grow. 

The 2015 International Transport Forum Outlook projects a four-fold increase in international freight traffic with much of this growth involving imports and exports to regions of the world that have insufficient transport infrastructure. Increasing international trade will pose unprecedented challenges to infrastructure development, funding and management. 

The report examines the consequences of increased global trade on the world’s transport infrastructure. More complex international freight flows as a result of diversified global trade patterns will change capacity requirements and increasingly reshape global transport networks over the coming decades. Policy makers need to understand now how these forces are likely to play out in order to ensure adequate and timely investment into transport infrastructure that will continue to provide the backbone of global trade and economic development. 

Here is a link to the entire report: Capacity to Grow
Thanks to my friend Jan Hoffman at UNCTAD for the news on the report.

In May 19, 2016 we celebrated one year of the international conference “Trade Compliance – The Brazilian AEO Program”, held in São Paulo by KGH Border Services and the ICI.BR – International Commerce Institute from Brazil. 

We are celebrating our anniversary and the outcome of the great work that has been done, that continues to flourish:
The Brazilian AEO Program is presently in its second stage – AEO Import Compliance – already granting excellent benefits for the almost 80 certified companies;
The third stage – AEO Single Window, involving Health and Agricultural agencies – is under development, in order to be launched in December 2016, as initially previewed;

Customs-Trade Partnership in Brazil – which has been the backbone of our conference – is rapidly growing in Brazil, being beyond the point of no return;

KGH – ICI.BR partnership continues to render fruits to Brazil. In 2016 the entities will deliver the Trade Compliance Officers Certification program, a comprehensive 120 hours training program for the private sector’s trade compliance leaderships.

Thanks to Alexandre Lira for the article and arrangements.