Yesterday I was interviewed for the most popular talkshow in Azerbaijan by a famous and very respected Azeri journalist. 

The exclusive interview was a held as an one hour conversation about globalization, international trade, Customs, borders and gow to modernize important Government institutions. 

It was a great pleasure to be able to – in this longer format – explain how the world now is changing and how important it is to continue development of border institutions making it possible to be a part of bew global value chains and the international supply chain.

I just recived the statistics for the new blog. First month I have had more than 10.000 visitors! This is amazing. 

The old blog, ‘Nothing is Impossible’ had at most close to 15.000 unique vistors per month. That was in October 2015, after ten years. 

When taking a 6 months break to re-think my social media strategy and after launching my new blog ‘CapacityNow’ without any PR activities, I was convinced that I would get maximum 2-3000 visitors the first month. At best. But I was wrong. 

There is obviously a great interest for the topic of my blog, namely; Capacity Building, Customs, Trade, Borders, Development, Reform & Modernization, Travelling, Music, Film, Sport and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. People have waited. Thank you! Now we aim for 15.000 a month!
Watch out – soon you will find some exiting news right here! Don’t miss it! 

Yesterday I visited the 23rd Caspian Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference in Baku. This is one of the leading commodity events in the world and a large number of countries were represented at the conference and exhibition.

His Excellence President Ilham Aliyev opened the event in the Baku Congress Center with an interesting speech about the development and modernization of the oil industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

President Aliyev giving his address for VIP invited guests

President Barack Obama of the United States of America and Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom had both sent personal statements that were presented by their Ministers present at the opening ceremony

President Aliyev visiting the exhibition

More than 1000 people from 40 countries all around the world visiting the event. 

From a Customs perspective this is a very important area, since export and knport of oil and gas represents huge values for global trade and the international supply chain. As an example, more than 90% of the export from the Republic of Azerbaijan is oil. Many other oil and gas producing countries have similar numbers. 

Always great to be VIP.

Even though the Government of Azerbaijan is trying to diversify the economy and increase the production and export of other products and services, the oil and gas industry will be the basis of the economy for decades to come. 

The export of oil and gas is also a pre-requirement for the global production in many countries. Even though most countries are trying to diversify their use of different energy sources and move to more environment friendly systems, we will have oil and gas dependency for many to come.

The prodiction and trading systems of these types of products thus have to be as environment friendly and effiecient as possible, just like the transfer and movement of these commodities. 

During the speech of the President

It is important for Customs to understand the oil and gas industry, how it works and how to manage the trade – so we can all contribute to safe and efficent export and import of energy products.
I learned a lot of new things these days.

With my friend Mikhail Khashubsky, Head of INCU, where I am an Advisory Bord Member

It was a very interesting experience to learn more about the oil and gas industry and their concerns in relation to international trade and Customs.