I have spent the last days in my old hometown Brussels in Belgium.

I am invited to speak and participate in a panel on a high-level seminar.

It is always great to be back in Brussels. 

Yesterday I was invited to speak and participate in a panel on the ‘EU Customs – Making a difference in modern trade?’ seminar that was organized by IATA jointly with six other trade associations at the WCO premises.

It was a high-level seminar about The future of trade and how the new European Customs legislation, Union Customs Code (UCC) presents a platform for a more competitive busines environment. Great dialogue and discussions. 

Pierre Moscovici, EU Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs delivered the Key Note Speech at the seminar.

I participated in a panel with the theme, ‘A vision of Customs as a competitive element of trade facilitation’. 

It was also great to visit my old workplace, World Customs Organization – where I spent five years from 2006 to 2010 as the first elected Director of Capacity Building.  I love this place. 


Yesterday evening Sweden played Netherlands at home in the opening game of the FIFAWorld Cup Qualifyer. 

The game ended 1-1 after Sweden scoring in the first half, a great goal by striker Marcus Berg and Wesley Sneijder equalizing in the middle of second half. 

Netherlands was the better team and had the ball possession and the young, new Swedish team played a good game in defence and went for counter attacks. 

In th group France only got a 0-0 result playing Belarus in Minsk.