BNC News has had a look into things that did kot last as long as Brexit.
Whatever you think about Brexit – or even if you try not to think about it at all – we can probably all agree on one thing.
It has gone on for a long, long time.
We’re more than 1,000 days on from when the UK voted to leave the European Union and it seems politicians are only now entering the endgame. Maybe.
Some examples mentioned in the article are: Building The Titanic, Travelling to Mars, The entire plot of Gane of Thrones, the construction of the Eiffel Tower and the lifecycle of a hamster.
I think it is important – also concerning important things – to have humour and to be able and laught now and then. This article certainly made me laugh.
You can read it here: Game of Thrones, hamsters and other things that didn’t last as long as Brexit
Source: BBC News
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