Artificial intelligence, scientific automatic evaluation, algorithmes, risk management engines.
Artificial intelligence is Intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans. The scope of AI is disputed: as machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered as requiring “intelligence” are often removed from the definition, a phenomenon known as the AI effect.We have learned that this is part of our everyday lives already – or have we?
How about Customs and Border precedures? Is there already an element of AI involved? Yes, there is. Our ridk management enegines are getting more and more advanced and algorithmes are used to improve risk profiling and targetting.
This is still not the rule everywhere – but advanced Customs Services have used new technology support the last decade or so.
Today when we design, develop and implement new Risk Management Models for Customs – and we arw doing that in several countries right now – we always base it on a modern Risk Strategy fully utilizing advanced risk management and intelligence tools and instruments.
The supporting software is getting better and better. National Targetting Centers are also developing new advanced profiling models continously.
I am convinced that we are only in the begonming of this development. The following years will bring a revolution that will serve us well.
We are involved in some extremely interesting tests right now which will change the risk paradigm and the enforcement methodology forever.
The bad guys will have a more difficult future.
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