A new year – what’s next?

Goodbye 2023. Another year has gone. Welcome a new year. What’s next in 2024?

2023 was another special year for world trade, for the world & for us in A.P. Moller – Maersk. Now we look into the future.

2024 will have its challenges for global trade, some of these problems bridging over from the year that passed. However there is also light in the tunnel & we know through insights some of the trade & customs macro-trends to follow in the new year.

A few things in relation to global trade will be driving development:

  • Digitalization of trade & customs will accelarate with full speed. Treat your trade & customs data as gold in the bank, because it is. It is time to get digital!
  • Trade Compliance will become the license to play in global trade. Become a trusted trader & stay trusted. Trusted Trade Lanes & Digital Trade Corridors are no longer visionary dreams, but a real option to increase predictability & resilience. Get aboard the ship before it leaves your port.
  • ESG regulations are coming into force big time. Everywhere. Get on top of your supply chain & get system solutions to manage the risks end-to-end, all tiers. The solutions are available. It is a very good idea to invest now, instead of waiting for the audit or failed reporting demands – followed by delays, restricted market access or draconic penalties.
  • HS Customs Classification is the code that unlocks the black box of the border. The correct classification is the best insurance to get your goods to your end-consumers in time with the right cost. In 2024 we will see the first automated & AI powered HS clasification hybrid-models that actually works. Be first, not last to enter the future.
  • Think end-to-end. Origin to destination. Supply chains & value chains will become even more integrated. Develop a strategic customs & border plan with integrated solutions to manage the unexpected, minimize risks for delays & control your liability.

There is no reason not to plan for the unplanable, since we now have solutions to do so.

2024 is the year when the Maersk Integrator comes to full life as a future innovative model for world trade. We will go #AllTheWay.

Happy New Year!