I just recived the statistics for the new blog. First month I have had more than 10.000 visitors! This is amazing.  The old blog, ‘Nothing is Impossible’ had at most close to 15.000 unique vistors per month. That was in October 2015, after ten years.  When taking a 6 months break to re-think my …

Yesterday I visited the 23rd Caspian Oil & Gas Exhibition and Conference in Baku. This is one of the leading commodity events in the world and a large number of countries were represented at the conference and exhibition. His Excellence President Ilham Aliyev opened the event in the Baku Congress Center with an interesting …

This week Sweden hosts an international meeting, the 2nd World Customs Organization (WCO) Europe Regional Workshop on Implementation of the WTO – Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General UNCTAD, Anna Stellinger DG National Board of Trade, Eva Walder DG Trade MinIstry of Foreigh Affairs, Therese Mattsson DG Swedish Customs and Antonis Kastrissianakis …

Yesterday evening after flying in to Baku from Istanbul – where I had a good meeting during the day – I found some friends in the hotel and we had a dinner to catch-up. With Mikhail Kashubsky & Dilavar Farzaliev I have been many times in Azerbaijan. The Azeri people always offer outstanding world …

Today I gave a speech about ‘The role of Customs in the development of economy at the Baku Higher Oil School. Great participation from professors and students. Also a lot of media coverage. You can find one of the articles below.  It was fun talking the students, future engineers in the oil iandustry, the …

Swedish Health & Statistics Profesor Hans Rosling, a world famous scientist working with health care improvement and poverty reduction has just launched a new set of statistics through his system Gapminder, showing his latest theories on global development. Rosling works with with world leaders, multinational institutions and philanthropists like e.g. Bill Gates on major …

World Trade Organization (WTO) has published its annual report for 2016 covering the organization’s activities in 2015 and early 2016. The Report begins with a message from Director-General Roberto Azevêdo, who looks back at a memorable year for the WTO marked by the organization’s 20-year anniversary and the successful conclusion of the WTO’s Tenth …

FC Bayern Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has hit out at a German politician following the latter’s controversial comments towards Bayern player Jerome Boateng. The deputy leader of the anti-immigration party stated at the weekend that “people like Boateng as a footballer, but wouldn’t want to live next to someone like him” in an apparent …

This week Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven appointed a new Swedish Trade Minister.  The new Trade Minister Ann Linde is one of the most experienced Swedish politicians in international affairs. She has a long successful political career representing the leading and ruling Social Democratic Party.  Linde will also have responsibility for European Union Affairs …

The European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner is from Sweden. Cecilia Malmström is a Swedish politician who has served as European Commissioner for Trade since 2014.  She previously served as European Commissioner for Home Affairs (2010 to 2014).  Cecilia Malmström is a very experienced Swedish politician that has spent seventeen years working in the EU …

Everybody involved in cross-border trade have advocated the need for trade faciltation and speed of border processes.  However when speaking to traders another thing always emerges before speed, namely predictability. Importers and exporters want predictability and speed. In that order.   It doesn’t really help a company engaged in cross-border international trade if the …

Today I visited the Swedish Consulate General in New York, located at 445 Park Avenue in New York.  In December 2015, the honorary Consulate General of Sweden in New York was upgraded to a full diplomatic mission. The Consulate General focuses on the promotion of Sweden in a broad sense, including trade and investment, …

This week I have been in United States for meetings on security.  I have had great meetings with numerous of people and we are making progress.  We have new solutions for the future of trade and it is important to make sure that these solutions are fully compatible with the plans of the Governments …

Sweden has the best economic prospects of the Nordic countries, according to an analysis by Moody’s, it was reported yesterday.  A diversified economy and competitive export companies lay the foundation for it, writes Moody’s, which predicts a growth in Sweden of 3.4 percent this year. All Nordic countries benefit from the existence of macro-economic stability, …

We have been talking about the Single Window to Government for a long time.  The Single Window concept is also one of the pillars of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) which means that when the agreement is ratified by enough countries – it will become obligatory according to international law …

Time to fly out again for new missions. I spend a lot of time in airplanes and airports. And too much time in hotels, around the world. Last year I travelled almost 280 days. Why? The is a job to be done, the world is out there. We need to secure the movement of …

Millions of people all around the world have read Stieg Larssons trilogy about the superhacker Lisbeth Salander. Nordic Noir holds today world famous crime novel writers like, e.g. Jo Nösbo, Jens Lapidus, Leif GW Persson, Arne Dahl, Liza Marklund, Åke Edwardsson, Camilla Läckberg – my friend Mats Olsson – Lars Kepler and many more. …

Another Monday, another week. After a great weekend with summer weather in the South of Sweden it is time for another week in the service of the society.  A new week with new opportunities, an open page in the book of life. Interesting meetings in different places of the world on the agenda. Starting …

Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s time in Paris is over. 156 goals in 180 matches, spread over 113 goals in the league (122 matches), 20 in the Champions League (33), 16 of the French Cup (13), five in the French league cup (nine) and two in the Trophee des Champions (three). 69 of those goals were scored with …

In just a few days, leaders and decision-makers from across the globe will meet in Istanbul for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). In just a few days, leaders and decision-makers from across the globe will meet in Istanbul for the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS). At a time of unprecedented humanitarian needs, global partnership and solidarity …